Attracting Agents (Mini-Training Part 3 of 3)

attracting agents Jul 17, 2023

So on Monday, I shared why CLARITY is the path to standing out (particularly important as the staging industry gets more crowded! 

You can read Part 1 here:

Then, on Tuesday, I shared the ‘3 Foundational Keys to Attracting Agents’:

AND, if you have (or want to have) a profitable home staging business, this final piece is CRUCIAL: "4-Part Voice Your Value Formula”.

Now, I want you to hear me when I say this: 

…without THIS in place, you will continue to struggle to communicate your value, 

which means the agents who NEED your help, will struggle to understand WHY they should work with you!  

And that means you’re leaving way too much money on the table!

So, let’s fix that! Ready?

The '4-Part Voice Your Value Framework'.

This is as simple as getting CLARITY on three questions:

  1. WHAT do you do? ...specifically
  2. HOW do you do it? ...specifically
  3. HOW do you talk about it? ...specifically
  4. WHY should an agent choose you? …specifically

Now, notice what all those have in common? You got it, “specifically”.

Because if you are not specific, you are VAGUE. Which by definition means:

“Of uncertain, indefinite or unclear meaning. Thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way”

And that, my fellow stager, is what we want to avoid at all costs as business owners.

…and by the way, I didn’t say it would feel comfortable!

But, do you want to be comfortable with limited agent connections, OR be uncomfortable at times and have REAL LIFE pinch-yourself-you-can’t-believe-it agent connections!?

Hopefully you would answer that the same way I did - uncomfortable it is! 


WHAT specifically do you do? 

Now if you’re thinking “well, it’s staging, of course!!” then buckle up, because this is where the fun starts (...and who knows, probably a touch of inner resistance.)

I want you to think more specifically and change your mindset - think about, what is it that YOU do.

…what are you good at?

…what do you love doing?

…what do you receive praise for?


HOW specifically do you do it?

Ask yourself; do you have a consistent way of talking about your services so agents instantly recognize the value you bring to the table?

Do you find yourself using different words to describe the same service each time you are asked about it?

Have you ever tried to explain what you do and find yourself talking for five minutes not sure your audience understands?

If you are NOT CLEAR, CONSISTENT, and CONFIDENT in the way you talk about your business, don’t be surprised when agents simply walk away confused. 




HOW specifically do you talk about it?

If you lead with “I “I” “I”, or “me”...., you have missed the boat.

Flip your mindset and understand, 


...they do not care how pretty you can make a room (they figure they can do that themselves)

...they do not care about your website (they don’t need your website)

...they do not care what your business name or colors are (neither item helps them achieve their goals)

...they do not care how many letters you have after your name (they are only concerned with your ability to apply what you know)

They only CARE ABOUT…

… how quickly you work

… how efficiently you can help them reach their goals

…your professionalism

…your ability to communicate in a positive and empowering way with their clients

…your willingness to collaborate with them


So how do you talk about it? 

You talk about home staging in such a way that elevates the overall service the agent is bringing to the seller!


WHY specifically should an agent choose you?

Too many times stagers say to me - “I want to be like you, Bobbie.” 

And I say, “No. No, you don’t, you simply want my results. And I can share my framework with you.” 

So safe in the knowledge you can have those results, ask yourself, what makes YOU unique? Why select YOU over any other stager? What makes working with YOU better? 

Yes, I understand this can be the toughest question of all to answer… but it’s also one of the most important! Please take the time to carefully think them through. 

If you WANT to Voice Your Value, you’ll need to spend time answering these four questions.  

And guess what, once you have this CLARITY, not only does talking to agents become more effective, so does all your efforts within your social media, emails, website and presentations.

After all, if YOU don’t have the answers to these questions, how will agents understand what you do… let alone say “YES” to your services!?

So, if you are feeling “STUCK” here, and you know much it’s costing you to stay stuck… I WANT TO HELP!

THIS Wednesday & Thursday, I’m hosting a LIVE Virtual Workshop, called: VOICE YOUR VALUE & ATTRACT AGENTS!

And until this Tuesday, you can get the $297 Workshop for JUST $97!


If you don’t Voice Your Value by the end of the workshop, I’ll give you a complete refund. You have nothing to lose!

You can get all the details and get yourself registered here:

See you there!

~ Bobbie McGrath

If you are struggling to Voice Your Value to Agents and you know much it’s costing you to stay stuck… I WANT TO HELP!

THIS Wednesday & Thursday, I’m hosting a LIVE Virtual Workshop, called: "VOICE YOUR VALUE & GAIN AGENTS!" You can get all the details and get yourself registered here:

Learn More